"Braedans Bridge"
Help us build a bridge to End Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Braedan is so full of life.
No one would ever know that his muscles are slowly wasting away.
While there has been progress fighting Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a cure is still so far away.
Please continue to give our boys a chance for a lifetime
When Duchenne became a part of our life:
We live in Lucas County, Ohio. The sweet little boy that you see here is our son, Braedan is six years old, and all boy through-in-through. He loves being outside, getting dirty and playing with trucks and cars. He is so full of life that one would never know that his muscles are slowly wasting away every day. You see, when Braedan was born everything appeared normal. But as he started walking we noticed that he had a tendency to walk on his tip-toes. As he got older he became clumsy. We still were not all too concerned as children often outgrow such stages. Little did we know we were about to embark on a journey that no parent would ever want to experience. Our son was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
Our reaction to the news:
When we received this diagnoses, we had no idea what DMD was. The only association that we had with Muscular Dystrophy at all was The Jerry Lewis Telethon. The prognosis was devastating. We were told that DMD genetically runs in families, however, there is no trace of it in our family. This is one of the horrific realities of this disease. DMD can happen to any baby boy, anywhere in the world and at anytime. 40% of Duchenne cases are spontaneous as is the case with us.
Duchenne’s cruel prognosis:
We also learned that DMD occurs in one out of every 3,500 male births worldwide. It is the most common, aggressive and lethal form of Muscular Dystrophy. It is the leading genetically transmitted killer of children. There are no survivors.
Boys like Braedan are in wheelchairs during the middle school years and become quadriplegic in their late teens. All muscles in the body, including the heart and lungs, literally waste away irreversibly. Their life span is shortened to only two to three decades.
Why we need help from you:
The Duchenne community needs your help to spread awareness of this disease. We need your help with involvement in donating when you are able. Research has come a long way over the years, but we are still so far away from a cure. And a cure can not come soon enough for us. We cannot afford to lose momentum for time is of essence. Please support Braedan and boys like him by backing our requests for help. Please continue to give our boys a chance for a lifetime.
Thank you,
Scott and Tammy Henegar
Braedans Bridge Inc.
Contact us at braedansbridge@live.com
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